
Some More Corel Painter Tips and Tricks

I hope you have painted much fantastic artwork with Corel Painter lately, I have been too busy with other things myself these lasts weeks. Been on a business trip and such, so havent been painting at all I must admit.
Anyway, I stumbled across some good painter tutorials that I think are good for beginners to look at. Here they are:
Creating a Custom Workspace Palette in Corel Painter X

This is very important to do, if you want to become efficent, and make more art faster.

Sketching & Painting, by Stephanie Reese

Her you will need to download some small files, and unzip them using winzip, or windows vista if you have that (I sure do, and I cant complain).

You WILL need a wacom or an other tablet to create great art work. If youre a REAL beginner, dont fool yourself into thinking you can do without. Here is a tutorial for those using a wacom tablet. Better brushstrokes with the Enhanced Brush Ghost

Thats it for now, hope you had fun in April, now MAY is right around the corner ;)

Vintage Starwars


training said...

Great insight in to Painter thanks

Club ReM said...


Mi nombre es Javier Polo Pérez y soy Ingeniero, y desde hace varios años me dedico a la Informática de Gestión. He desarrollado varias soluciones informáticas que en el Mundo Hispano han obtenido una buena acogida debido a sus prestaciones y fácil manejo, muchos ya las conocerán sus nombres son: Clinicas @Clinic @OdontoClinic @PsicoClinic @PodoClinic @FisioClinic Inmobiliarias InmoServer Facturacion ProServer @GesPYME Comunidades AdmiCom Veterinarias @VetGes Promocion GesProm Prevencion PrevGes Almacen @GeSTOCK Personal @GesRRHH Turismo @GesTUR

Me gustaría comentar que tras un año de pelea con Windows Vista intentando adaptar mis programas a dicho sistema operativo, lo cual he conseguido con mucho esfuerzo, finalmente he vuelto con mi Windosw XP, por tanto si lo que desean es un sistema operativo estable que no de ni un solo problema lo recomiendo.

Si desean ver mi trabajo y descargarse mis programas en forma gratuita pueden acceder a la web del Club ReM su dirección es o en

Un Saludo

Javier Polo